a comic strip
not your average children's story
the adventures of prince bob
a poem, by me
another poem
a list containing the best numbers of all time
some words beginning with the letter "a"
without most of these words, the world would be a different place .. here's my salute to words beginning with the letter "a"
"There is another doctorate in the study of one Symon Aaaaaked . All humankind would benefit from a greater understanding of such a mind. From reading and analysing his ramblings, we gain new perspective into the vast unknowns of the human psychology." -- Lord Dr. J - Freudian Psycologist Therapist
i like people
the many different ways of spelling "nostrils" page
one of life's ultimate questions -- answered
the many different faces of byron jones
have you ever done a web search on your name?
a survey to determine any correlation between number of feet and shoe size
i've had some good ideas -- i've had some bad ideas ...
some of my favourite x86 interrupts
many dots. many, many dots